Database of the Inmates of the German Remand Centre Prague-Pankrác in Terezín, 1945

Author: Miroslava Langhamerová

In March 1945, the German Remand Centre Prague-Pankrác (Deutsche Untersuchungshaftanstalt) was relocated, for capacity reasons, into the premises of the Police Prison in the Terezín Small Fortress. Convicted people as well as persons on remand were involved. In total, about 800 men classified as Strafgefangener (Prisoner) or Untersuchungsgefangener (Person in Custody) did not fall within the register of the Polizeigefängnis Theresienstadt (Terezín Police Prison), but they were also guarded by the prison wards from the Pankrác Prison relocated to Terezín. Unlike the prisoners in the Polizeigefängnis Theresienstadt, many inmates of the "Pankrác Section" were arrested for other than political offences. However, it should be emphasized that some of the "Pankrác inmates" had already passed through the Terezín Police Prison before (information about their previous imprisonment is to be found in the search engine "Polizeigefängnis Theresienstadt 1940-1945").

This database could be created primarily thanks to the preserved card files and original lists of inmates of the German Remand Centre Prague-Pankrác in Terezín from 1945, which are located in the collections of the Terezín Memorial. At the same time, certain sources collected for the database of the former inmates in the Terezin Police Prison were also used for analytical comparisons and data completion.

When searching for a specific name, only the word root with the symbol * may be used (for example Benes, Beneš – Ben* or *ert for Andert, Kerhert).
